What are Nifty Souls ?
Money. Fame. Love. Those mortals all wished for something, more than anything else in the world… and they were willing to pay the ultimate price. This is their lives, hopes and dreams. This is their souls.
Available on Known Origin
How it works ?
-Each soul is unique, or, as mortals say, non-fungible.
– The buyer will receive a contract signed by the former soul owner.
– Each soul contains a mystery. Can you solve it?
Souls in stock
Click on it to see the souls with there sounds
The buyer will get a signed contract of the previous soul owner .

Who are we?
We are ethereal beings selling souls collected during the last few milleniums. We are helped by a willing mortal vessel that would be glad to discuss with you. On this realm, you can find us on:
Mailing list
Get exclusive informations about future drops and our Soul Pact process. Rest assured: We are only interested in collecting your soul, not your datas
Contact our vessel
nifty.souls [at] gmail.com